Relentless Passion by A.J. Llewellyn

Story: 7
Presentation: 7
Total: 14
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
m/m contemporary erotic romance
To Purchase

Blurb: Twins Alex and Zeca love to switch identities. It’s harmless fun until Alex wants to date a hot tourist visiting their home of Capri, and asks Zeca to take his place on a date with Alex’s current beau, Antonio. After a day in Antonio’s arms—followed by a long, lusty weekend in his bed during a trip to Naples—Zeca discovers switching places with Alex isn’t so harmless after all. Especially when he realizes he’s falling hard for his brother’s boyfriend.

While struggling with his feelings for Antonio, consoling his semi-celebrity father (who’s having woman troubles) and trying not to upset Alex (who might be in love with Antonio…or his tourist tryst…or maybe the neighbor lady), Zeca wonders how any of them will make it through all the relationship woes with hearts intact.

As Antonio says, “Love has a way of fixing things itself.”

Review: There were parts I loved, and parts I didn’t. Maybe because it was hard for me shift gears when it came to both Zeca and Alex. I didn’t like Alex. He’s selfish, spoiled and manipulating. I wanted to like Zeca, but he has qualities that I didn’t find attractive…at least at first. When he wasn’t willingly being used by Alex, he was deceitful and like his brother, I found him selfish. But with true hero heart, he redeemed himself and by the end of the story I loved him as much as Antonio does.

AJ’s attention to detail is unmatched. The story comes alive with the sense of sight, sound, smell and touch. I was definitely transported into the pages of the book. That on its own makes this story worth reading. I loved how the title plays into the story. I believed Zeca and Antonio will have relentless passion in their happily ever after.

*The slightly lower presentation score comes from the cover. Ellora’s Cave’s covers are always beautiful and sexy, but this one is misleading. I never really felt like there were three men in play within this story. It is the love story (and the yummy erotic sex) between Zeca and Antonio.

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