666 Angel Lane by Lori Green

Story: 9
Presentation: 9
Total: 18
Publisher: Lyrical
To Purchase

Blurb: Hell never looked so good.

Reality television is the newest battleground for God and Satan. Caught in the middle is Kate Thomas, an ordinary woman stuck between flaming Archangels and scorching hot War demons. When her heart is captured by Demon Michael, Kate has to face the hardest choice any woman can make: the fate of her soul versus the future of her heart.

Review: Holy CRAP-NICKLES!!!!!!! I cried! This was a really good read.

Don’t get me wrong, there were times when I wanted to slap the ever-living sh*t out of more than one of the characters. Strangle them within an inch of their lives….or existence, but I couldn’t put it down!!! I didn’t stop reading once. Opened and finished in the same sitting and I would do it again tomorrow!!!

Now, I am a faith filled woman. I live the best I can and strive to be the best Christian I can so that HE is proud of me. When I read stories that contain characters from below, for me there is a fine line that should not be crossed….but you aren’t here to hear about my morals and beliefs are you? Nope, so let me say that this story didn’t cross those lines for me and I plan on keeping it in my keeper pile for a future read.

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