Someone Like You by Emma Hillman

Story 8.5
Presentation 8
Total 16.5
Publisher eXcessica
Rubenesque, Contemporary

Blurb: Nick ‘Apollo’ Hamilton has been in love with his best friend’s wife, Mia, for years. He can’t seem to be able to shake off his obsession, his thoughts always going back to that threesome they shared. It’s only when he meets a waitress named Leah that his life takes a brighter outlook. She could be Mia’s twin, after all. How perfect is that?

Things start to unravel when he asks his new girlfriend to spend the weekend with him. When Leah meets her ‘twin’, it’s clear some truths have been left unsaid.

When things are too good to be true, what do you do? Do you make a go for it, knowing you’d always regret it otherwise? What would you do if you knew the man you craved loved another? Would you fight? Would you forgive? Would you… love?

Review: Someone Like You has everything you expect from an Emma Hillman story. Her characters are flawed, yet find that inner strength to overcome their vulnerabilities. Nick is scrumptious. I loved him in Yes, No Maybe…and Someone Like You reminded me why. But he’s also an ass. Leah is a realist. She believes what she has to offer isn’t good enough for someone like Nick. But there is also something endearing about her. The story will pull at your heart strings, make you want to slap Nick…then turn around and slap Leah. But in the end, they both had tortured themselves enough. Nick has to leave his past and Leah has to make a leap of faith for a future. Love never comes easy and Ms. Hillman brilliantly writes stories that show us characters that aren’t always easy to love, but when the last page is turned, they leave you wanting for more.

1 comment:

Emma Hillman said...

I did say you'd want to hit Nick in this story :)

Thanks for the great review, as always!

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