Lust’s Temptation by Tawny Taylor

Story: 6.5
Presentation: 9
Total: 15.5
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
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Blurb: Book two in the Masters of Sin series.

Troi and Amun—one dominant, the other submissive, both alpha—are possessed by the spirit of Lust. Its dark demands have tested their will every minute of every day for centuries. And they’ve committed deviant, selfish acts to satisfy its unrelenting carnal hunger. But the guilt doesn’t overwhelm them until they meet Oriel. She is their salvation, their peace. They need her. But they don’t deserve her.

Life’s lessons have taught Oriel not to trust anyone, especially gorgeous men who will use anyone for their own satisfaction. Granted, they’re sexy. Charming. Her body responds to their every look and touch. But she can’t—won’t—take a chance on them. Until she discovers she can run away, but she can’t escape the emotions they stir.

As darkness closes in, Troi and Amun’s lives and souls hang in the balance. The beast will consume them if Oriel can’t accept her own dark needs, and trust the two men who have summoned her most decadent desires.

Reader Advisory: This book contains same-gender sex, group sex, and various and sundry other deliciously wicked acts committed by two very naughty boys.

Review: I loved the premise of the story and of the series. I think Ms. Taylor has found a fascinating angle and I’m excited to read more in this series because of the potential.

Troi, Amun and Oriel are all great characters. Troi and Amun inner battle was intense, erotic and titillating but came with guilt and remorse. I loved the dichotomy of their struggle both to find the one that completes them sexually and screwing all the time. It was hot.

Oriel had some endearing qualities. She had an inner goodness and yet she her inner vixen loved the idea of being with both Troi and Amun.

However, I did have a few issues with the story. Several times the story seemed to reinvent itself. I thought I was reading a story that had romantic suspense elements, then I was reading a BDSM story. Somewhere in the middle in comes Oriel’s Dad and the story once again became something else. If these were the tools to bring about motivation and change in the characters, they didn’t work for me. All sections were entertaining, well written and erotic. But what one scene had to do with the next was often lost for me. There are unanswered “situations.” As in topics were brought up but then seemed to be lost as the story changed directions again.

I still think this is a series to watch, the author has a nice style with her words. This particular story just did a bit too much jumping around for me.

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