Naughty and Spice by Titania Ladley

Story: 8.5
Presentation: 8
Total: 16.5
Publisher: Ellora’s cave
Contemporary Erotic Holiday
To Purchase

Blurb: Ingredients:

Dash of naughtiness
Pinch of spice
Cop with an old crush
Woman unknowingly breaking the law

Directions: Light a fire, melt chocolate, turn vibrators to high speed, handcuff female, stir libidos and tempers, heat to boiling. Serve steaming hot.

No. That's a recipe for disaster. Ginger Blair now follows the cookbook by the rules. Hide behind closed doors, mail chocolate-dipped vibrators to customers and never — repeat, never — get involved with another cop. Well, except to bribe him into not arresting her.

Burly policeman and former nerd Stuart Nixon's got his own formula. Pretend to arrest the woman he's been infatuated with forever, let her seduce him and put all those iron bars and handcuffs to good use. Now that's the recipe for true love!

Review: WOW!! Now THAT is what I’m talking about :) Christmas, a sexy cop and chocolate covered dildos? I am so there :)

This was a fun, fast read that was totally hot in so many naughty ways. A winner to heat up even the coldest night. The previous connection for the hero and heroine added to the story and made it really work for me. I love a big hot alpha man with cuffs :) And officer Nixon has sex appeal in spades :)


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