Whisper of Scandal by Nicola Cornick

Story: 9
Presentation: 9
Total: 18
Publisher: Harlequin
To Purchase

Blurb: Scandal isn’t just for rogues, as the daring women in Nicola Cornick’s scintillating new series prove…

Lady Joanna Ware has no desire to wed again but that doesn’t stop the flurry of suitors knocking on her door. Desperate to thwart another proposal, Joanna brazenly kisses Arctic explorer Alex, Lord Grant. Unable to deny the blazing attraction that flares, Joanna knows she’s just set the gossip mill turning.

After suffering countless infidelities during her marriage, she’s accustomed to scandal. But nothing prepares her

for the shocking news that her deceased husband has bequeathed his illegitimate child to her and his friend Alex. As rumors run rampant in the ton, Joanna and Alex travel to the Arctic to claim the orphan. Battling blizzards, dangerous wildlife and a treacherous plot, Alex must protect Joanna, but not before he wickedly seduces her…

Review: Be still me heart! What a riveting, wonderful tale from start to finish. Having started this journey, I am very excited to continue it with the rest of this series.

Joanna while at times seems very interested in material things, one would be hard pressed not to understand after you see what type of life she had to endure. Alex? A hero in his own rights. A man that definitely steals hearts, mine among them.

Delicious and a total winner :)

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