Painful Reflections by Jude Liebermann

Story: 8
Presentation: 8
Total: 16
Publisher: Cobblestone Press
Contemporary Erotic
Blurb: Meg Garrett loses her husband, Kyle, on their honeymoon but returns every year to the place she last saw him. There she meets Todd, a man who sets her blood on fire, but how can she move on when she can still feel her husband?

She then finds out Kyle is still alive, and that Todd isn’t who she thought he was. Where has her husband been for the past four years, and why doesn’t he remember her? Meg must trust a man who has betrayed her to find out the truth behind the deception.
Review: 71 pages that took me no time to finish!! Though this one doesn't really strike me as erotic, it was one Hell of a ride!
Once the story got going and Meg sees Kyle for the first time it just flew. The author did a good job putting the feelings of this young "widow" on paper. She was a character that was easy to relate to and I felt for her through the entire story.
If this kind of fast paced ride is what we can expect from this new Cobblestone author then I say BRING IT ON!!!! Per her web site she has another work contracted with them and I can't wait to read it :)
Good job, Ms Liebermann, I hope to see your name more in the future.


Jude L said...

Thanks for the review! I'm glad you liked the story. I look forward to what you think of my next book! ;-)


RK Sterling said...

Nice review, and congratulations to Jude. :)

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