Phoenix Incantation by Jayne Rylon

Story: 8.5
Presentation: 9
Total: 17.5
Publisher: Ellora's Cave
To Purchase

Blurb: Amystia didn’t think anything could be hotter than five-thousand wild years of passion with the most powerful vampire on Earth. Then she and her mate, King Dagan, began a steamy affair with his closest advisor. Threesomes with her two lovers were never supposed to be more than fun but, somehow, both her and Dagan’s feelings have blossomed into something deeper than respect and friendship for Warren.

As they are on the cusp of proposing a more permanent relationship, a terrible accident destroys all plans for the future. Dagan’s life hangs in the balance. In a desperate bid to save him, Amystia and Warren invoke ancient magic through a steamy ritual. If they fail, they’ll all be doomed to eternal darkness. If they succeed, can their eternal love rise from the ashes?

Review: Well! Well! Well! Even after five thousand years with her mate and the past thousand years with their lover, the sex life is just as rockin’ hard as ever! Then, the accident leaving Amy’s mate, Dagan, at Death’s Doorstep. It’s all the key advisor, Warren, can do to help Amy save his life by sunrise!! Whew!!!

This steamy little vampire quickie is hot and titillating with a ‘happy ending’. This book is a straightforward love story with a heroine and hero willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the one that they love, with a touch of magic thrown in to make things really interesting. ;-)

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